Monday, 24 November 2008

Calling all invisibles!!!

Hello all you ply peepers out there!

John and I are so happy to be engaging with so many lovely passionate prone peeps, but we would love to encourage more interaction on the blog from the visitors to prone to belly.
We are striving to create something which documents and celebrates the multiple perspectives that you all have on prone surf riding and we can't do this without you.

So this is a call to action!
Whilst the cold winter winds are keeping us confined to our cosy, comfy chairs, please take the time to share with us and educate us all, on your own prone surfing experience/perspective.
We know you might be shy, but once you have made one comment, I assure you that it will become strangely addictive and mass collaboration will enable the formation of a balanced view of this stoke fuelled ply & paulonia party!
We have many invisible watchers, whom we would like to become active contributors. Traditional surf-riding is all be about inclusivity and we are certainly keen to nurture a community approach.
It's much more fun if we do things together.... so step up and share the stoke!


Squire Surfboards said...

Quite simply the most disturbing picture i have seen for a while !

bellyboarduk said...

I thought it might provoke a reaction said...

I think it's fantastic that you've got Fred from Scooby-Doo to send in a picture of himself. Let's hope more celebrities join in. said...

I've only ever had one belly slide and I think it outweighed even my finest surfs on dry reefs. I had borrowed a board and had no flippers and had not really thought I'd catch anything. It was a blown out day at Fistral and there were a few groms wondering why four grown men were entering the water with bits of ply. What freaked them out even more, probably, was all the whooping and hollering and hysterical laughing of us having so much fun. I haven't been stoked in the surf, like that day, for quiet a few years. To the point of emailing, texting or ringing my friends that same evening to share the stoke. May my next belly slide be sooner rather than later.

Eef said...

i'm having an expo with mostly bellyboards made from reclaimed wood open this saturday, and would be happy to write something about the quiver for Prone to Belly!



bellyboarduk said...

That's the spirit chaps, but where are the ladys and all the other fellow ply enthusiasts?
I think it's a marvelous tale Mark, about you and your friends getting fired up in front of confused groms, but I'm not sure who you are referring to with the 'Scooby-Doo' comments, it's me (christiaan), old chum, can't you tell?
Eef, we would love to profile your boards, please put something together and give us all an education on the scene down your way. You can email any contributions to me at:
All the best, Christiaan.

luna1 said...

Kev here from NZ.

I've been a knee-boarder since '74 but started prone ply riding and building in January 2008 after being inspired by Eef's Over the past 10 months I've created 2 x ply paipo, 2 x paulownia paipo, 1 x paulownia alaia and I've just finished a pine handboard.

I never was able to bond with boogie boards but truly love the ply and paulownia boards.

Brooky said...

I'm hearing a lot about paulownia round here, and on the rodntube forum. The only people in the who appear to use this wood on a regular basis are undertakers (makes for nice, light coffins!). I've tried local timber yards but few have even heard of it and those that have, haven't got it. How do I get hold of a plank to shape my own alaia?

dog said...

No Comment!


bellyboarduk said...

Eef and Kev, you guy's are such an inspiration with all your productivity, good to hear from you as always.

There is a lot of talk about paulonia and it really is a terrific timber.

John and I hope to bring you news on a source that we aspire to trade with, pretty soon, so watch this space. In the meantime, enjoy the ply, for what it is... fun!!!

jonny said...

Hello, I was made aware of your blog by my girlfriend and am pleased to see the amount of other people interested in traditional style surfing. I've been riding wooden boards of various types since the early eighties; usually with swim fins but increasingly without! I own a Pearce 'unicorn surfrider' which I purchased from Piran surf years ago and which is still in mint condition. I have also made a number of ply and balsa handboards paipo which I use regularly. My favourite board at the moment is a marine ply alaia which I have sealed with linseed and flax oil and which after 12 months of hard use is holding up really well. On the drawing board is a longer alaia with a 'waist' i.e which tapers and then curves out to a wider tail. I am a sometime contributer to the paipo-forum, the league of lamaroos and the excellent but now shelved vagabond surf. It would be good to organize some form of meet up / surf over the winter for interested people. I'm based in Brea and regularly surf Chapel, Porthtowan, Portreath, Hawks, Praa etc. etc. Jonny

bellyboarduk said...

Hi Jonny, sorry about the delay, it's been a busy festive season. I reckon a gathering would be a great idea. Let's work something out soon. You can call me on 07796 818100 if you fancy. Cheers, christiaan.

mylifeinwater said...

Hey, just found your blog. I'm writing from Cape Town South Africa.... a long-time bodyboarder, bodysurfer and riverboarder.... keen to explore some alternatives to board design and riding. thanks for creating this group.

Shayne House said...

Hey, hope i'm not too late for the party ;-) been a bit mad these last few months.
I was a real late starter with the ply, having surfed for many years I never even considered going prone, the closest I got was a friendly nod to the olds on the way in/out.
I have to say now I'm hooked and I'm longing for summer to return so I can get my face full of foam.
I've got wood!

Originalsurfboards said...

Just left two original surfboards in Cape Town with my brother and friends. Had great fun surfing the ply in Paternoster. so interested to see Charl's comment from cape town. Planning to send another shipment of boards to Cape Town in the next month or two so let me know via originalsurfboards website if you are interested! Sally

Steve and Cher Pendo said...

'Really enjoying your site. Today I came across your movie about Dot. It's so well done, and is an inspiring reminder to keep the stoke throughout our lives. Would it be OK if we linked to it on our blog?

Our site is:

We are longtime surfers who appreciate all forms of wave-riding.

With warmest Aloha,
Cher (and Steve)