Thursday, 13 November 2008

The Life of Ply

Here is The Life of Ply awarded 'Most Inspirational film' by Mark Kermode at the Board Shorts event, Cornwall Film Festival 2008. The film features the talents of the wonderful Dorothy and Peter Long, as well as some beautiful music from 'The Loose Salute'
I hope it fires your soul, stay stoked, Christiaan.


Michael F said...

Dig Dot's stoke. Eternal validation that surfer's are not all shaka rockin' narcissists. Get the mofo in Sundance. Congrats big time for teasing something beautiful out of the cacophony.

Unknown said...

made me smile, a heart felt,inspiring film. Excellent! well done Christiaan.

Brooky said...

Christiaan, that's a beautiful little film. Brought a smile to my lips and a tear to my eye. Fully deserving of that prize. Bloody well done mate! Truly inspiring.

bellyboarduk said...

Check out this hot ply movie:
its a bit of fun!

dog said...

essence of Dot, priceless.

nice job mate, her reasons are for all the right ones.


bellyboarduk said...

Thanks for all your kind words, glad you enjoyed watching it, we all enjoyed making it and sharing it with you.
The film is now posted on you tube, just type in: The Life of Ply.

In the mean time...
I'll be sliding at a beach in Penwith.
Christiaan. said...

She is a fantastic lady and you captured everything that makes her so interesting. Lovely film. An absolute joy to watch.

Steve and Cher Pendo said...

We love this sweet film about Dot and her pure stoke. Very beautiful story. Thanks so much for sharing.
Warmest Aloha, Cher and Steve

Unknown said...

Only just found this. Reminds me of my childhood. Holidays at St Agnes, Chapel Porth riding those same belly boards. I now live in Aus but this little film gave me goosebumps. Beautiful

Steve hunt

rodndtube said...

When was the video made and released?