Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Time to sell the odd camera ..... maybe ! ..

Thought id just share a moment of my obsession with strange mostly film cameras .... i may well have too many ! All used at some point to capture sliding about on bits of wood !


http://www.mark-leary.com/ said...

Leave yourself the 5x4, the pinhole, the Leica [rangefinder], the Olympus and either the RB or the Blad. Sell everything else.

mabel said...

I have always secretly wanted to drive a mobile library around the coast .. that aside .. you should start a camera lending library

that aside even .. post our phone conversation I have had an IDEA ..

bellyboarduk said...

surely i should keep a Fujipet !

http://www.mark-leary.com/ said...

Yeah, a Fujipet can be kept for fun stuff and then the 5x4/Blad/RB for interiors, landscapes and people. Olympus for weddings. Pinhole for landscapes and just because they are such beautiful things and the Leica for a variety of things.
All of those can be loaded with the same film type so you can really learn the qualities of one film stock and as soon as you know a finished portfolio will be yours.