Sunday, 28 September 2008

Pawlonia Swallow

Sorry its been a while since the last post .. ive been in N Devon enjoying sunshine , no waves & brown water ! Scored a few gems though , nice early Riviera Speedboard & 60's Italian Swimfins .. will post pics soon xx
In the meantime .....

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Sunday, 7 September 2008

Loads more WBBC 2008 pics here

The World Championships 2008

A messy onshore swell provided challenging but fun conditions for all contestants in this years World Bellyboard Championships at Chapel Porth beach . Costumes were rife , one plucky fellow sporting a gold lame catsuit ?! The sun shone as always as Sean "Frank" Harris was crowned World Champ .. The biggest thanks must go to Chris Ryan who selflessly slogs to put this wonderful event on for everybody !
Anyone who wants to contribute to the upcoming book or wants photos please contact us here !
Heres to next year !!